Bill Description: House Bill 121 would repeal certification requirements for makeup artists.
Rating: +2
NOTE: The certificate for makeup artists was originally created because some regulators believed they needed a full cosmetology license to operate. It is appropriate to deregulate the profession, but care should be taken not to reignite this old controversy and inadvertently subject makeup artists to an increased regulatory burden.
Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market?
House Bill 121 would repeal Section 54-5811, Idaho Code, and amend sections 54-5802 and 54-5804, Idaho Code, to repeal certification requirements for makeup artists.
Occupational licensing and certification requirements are government-created barriers to market participation, which increase costs and limit consumer choice. Additionally, the existence of these mandates can create a false sense of safety and sufficiency based on compliance with government standards that may be inappropriate or outdated. Conversely, in a more competitive and less regulated market, providers of goods and services work to outclass each other in the value they provide to consumers.
Removing occupational licensing and certification requirements benefits both professionals and the clients and customers they serve.
Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?
Occupational licensing and certification requirements involve fees imposed on professionals and/or their firms to fund the regulatory boards and bodies that oversee their respective professions. Repealing these requirements also repeals associated fees and assessments. Removing these fees benefits both professionals and the clients and customers they serve.