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Governor Little announces opposition to Proposition 1

Governor Little announces opposition to Proposition 1

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 3, 2024

Last week, Idaho Gov. Brad Little announced his opposition to the Proposition, which would expose party primaries to outside agitators, implement a jungle primary system, and enact ranked choice voting.

Here is Little’s full statement rejecting the leftist-backed proposition: 

As we inch closer to a big election, we reflect on the extraordinary importance of our election system in our great state and country. Elections are the cornerstone of our democratic republic, which is why I made Idaho the first state to take executive action to make sure only citizens vote in our elections. Idaho has a strong track record in championing investments that safeguard election integrity and encourage voter confidence.

I am opposed to ranked choice voting and signed House Bill 179 in 2023 banning it in Idaho. We must promote voting practices that are clear, increase voter participation, and don’t undermine confidence in our elections, and ranked choice voting meets none of those standards. Idahoans will make their voices heard on Proposition 1 at the ballot box in November. As for me, I will not be supporting Proposition 1.

The governor is the latest in a line of high-profile elected officials to announce opposition to the ballot initiative. 

Idaho’s U.S. senators, Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, have both come out against the proposal, as has Congressman Russ Fulcher, who represents Idaho’s First Congressional District. 

Congressman Mike Simpson, the longest-serving member of the congressional delegation, has yet to publicly support or oppose the proposition. 

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
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