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House Bill 507 – To permit the use of lighted arrow nocks and mechanical broad heads when archery hunting

House Bill 507 – To permit the use of lighted arrow nocks and mechanical broad heads when archery hunting

Niklas Kleinworth
February 4, 2022

Bill Description: House Bill 507 clarifies Chapter 11, Title 36 of Idaho Code to allow hunters to use lighted arrow nocks and mechanical broad heads when archery hunting.

Rating: +1


Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market?

HB 507 narrows the scope Section 36-1101 of Idaho Code to allow the use of lighted arrow nocks and mechanical broad heads as hunting aids.  Originally, the statute was very broad, banning the use of most types of illumination when hunting. This legislation restricts the state government’s power to outlaw these types of hunting aids, opening the free market.


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