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The Pork Report is back!

The Pork Report is back!

The Idaho Freedom Foundation is bringing back its report on government waste – The Idaho Pork Report – to show you how government agencies fritter away your hard-earned dollars. This report will look at all levels of government in Idaho, including state agencies, counties, cities, and more. No stone will remain unturned!

Want to be among the first to receive a copy when the report is released in the fall? Sure! Just fill out the form below and we’ll be sure to send you either a digital or a printed copy at no charge to you.

Request Your 2024 Pork Report
Would You Like Digital (PDF), Print, or Both?
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Report government waste for a chance to win!

Do you know of government waste in your city, county, school district, or other unit of government? Share your tips in the form below and Idaho Freedom Foundation researchers will do some digging! The best government waste reported will earn a lucky tipster an exciting prize to be announced later!

Simply submit your name, your email address, and a credible tip below. IFF researchers may reach out with questions about your submission. All tipsters will receive a digital copy of the 2024 Pork Report from IFF.

Report Government Pork
Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Idaho freedom Foundation
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