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2014 session: 97 appropriation bills, $6.7 billion in spending

2014 session: 97 appropriation bills, $6.7 billion in spending

Parrish Miller
May 30, 2014

The following list shows the total dollar amount of appropriations for fiscal year 2015 voted for by each member of the Legislature during the 2014 legislative session. For fiscal year 2015, there were 97 appropriation bills signed into law. Combined, they totaled $6,694,176,800 ($6.7 billion) in appropriations. While some legislators (17 to be exact) voted in favor of every single appropriations bill, others voted no on some or even a majority of them.

There are several reasons why a given legislator might show a lower total than others. It could be that he or she was absent during one or more votes, and some single bills included significant appropriations; for example, the largest spending bill amounted to more than $2 billion. Another reason might be that a particular lawmaker found some aspect of the bill unacceptable and, therefore, voted against the entire bill. It could be that a legislator favored lower spending—or higher spending—than a given bill provided for, but had no alternatives to consider.

Why legislators voted for or against the appropriations bills they did is impossible to say. Each legislator has his or her own motives for the votes cast. The list simply provides information detailing exactly how much spending legislators voted for with no judgment as to the "why" of the vote.

Legislator (Party) (District) Total Appropriations Voted For   ABSENCES   NO VOTES  
Rep. Kathleen Sims (R) (4) $855,024,900 0 72
Rep. Vito Barbieri (R) (2) $1,212,063,600 2 67
Rep. Lenore Hardy Barrett (R) (8) $1,601,295,800 23 31
Rep. Shannon McMillan (R) (7) $2,276,020,700 2 50
Rep. JoAn E. Wood (R) (35) $3,254,131,300 17 25
Rep. Lance Clow (R) (24) $3,390,530,700 1 10
Rep. Steven Harris (R) (21) $3,398,860,800 0 34
Rep. Janet Trujillo (R) (33) $3,469,738,100 1 12
Rep. Judy Boyle (R) (9) $3,487,083,400 0 31
Rep. Ron Mendive (R) (3) $3,497,767,200 0 25
Rep. Terry Gestrin (R) (8) $3,528,653,300 6 15
Sen. Steve Vick (R) (2) $3,609,346,200 0 15
Sen. Sheryl L. Nuxoll (R) (7) $3,609,346,200 0 15
Rep. Lawerence Denney (R) (9) $3,615,032,600 4 13
Rep. Robert Anderst (R) (12) $3,635,224,300 6 7
Sen. Russell M. Fulcher (R) (22) $3,649,156,800 0 9
Rep. Gayle L. Batt (R) (11) $3,663,446,000 0 18
Rep. Jason A. Monks (R) (22) $3,665,893,900 3 17
Rep. Joe Palmer (R) (20) $3,682,730,100 1 25
Sen. Clifford R. Bayer (R) (21) $3,702,240,300 0 10
Rep. Mike Moyle (R) (14) $3,717,716,300 3 10
Sen. Steven P. Thayn (R) (8) $3,719,172,000 0 7
Rep. Paul E. Shepherd (R) (7) $3,744,454,500 5 26
Rep. John Rusche (D) (6) $3,940,180,300 3 13
Rep. James Holtzclaw (R) (20) $3,942,339,600 1 15
Rep. Pete Nielsen (R) (23) $3,964,336,000 11 22
Rep. Thomas Dayley (R) (21) $4,036,354,600 0 18
Rep. Hy Kloc (D) (16) $4,129,625,100 10 7
Rep. John Gannon (D) (17) $4,163,588,800 0 12
Rep. Linden B. Bateman (R) (33) $4,206,307,400 0 8
Sen. Monty Pearce (R) (9) $4,232,379,200 11 10
Rep. Grant Burgoyne (D) (16) $4,295,918,300 2 16
Rep. Lynn M. Luker (R) (15) $4,301,430,200 0 12
Rep. Thomas F. Loertscher (R) (32) $4,362,992,800 2 13
Rep. Reed DeMordaunt (R) (14) $4,365,781,300 2 14
Rep. Brent J. Crane (R) (13) $4,378,677,000 0 12
Rep. Ilana Rubel (D) (18) $4,401,520,200 12 8
Sen. Bob Nonini (R) (3) $4,439,202,000 0 8
Rep. Mat Erpelding (D) (19) $4,455,207,400 2 10
Rep. Holli Woodings (D) (19) $4,502,596,900 1 8
Sen. Dean M. Mortimer (R) (30) $4,502,670,200 1 4
Sen. Jim Rice (R) (10) $4,511,474,600 2 4
Rep. Donna Pence (D) (26) $4,716,438,700 3 8
Rep. Susan B. Chew (D) (17) $4,718,738,700 0 8
Sen. Curt McKenzie (R) (13) $4,721,803,700 14 0
Rep. Phylis K. King (D) (18) $4,794,590,600 1 7
Rep. Shirley G. Ringo (D) (5) $4,800,399,000 0 7
Rep. Jeff Thompson (R) (30) $4,918,642,100 12 0
Rep. Ken Andrus (R) (28) $5,327,958,700 16 7
Rep. Lucinda L. Agidius (R) (5) $5,787,168,700 4 3
Rep. Elaine Smith (D) (29) $5,820,728,200 0 5
Rep. Brandon A. Hixon (R) (10) $5,832,437,800 3 13
Rep. Luke Malek (R) (4) $6,181,583,100 16 0
Rep. Rick D. Youngblood (R) (12) $6,189,745,100 3 0
Rep. John Vander Woude (R) (22) $6,257,430,400 5 11
Sen. Les Bock (D) (16) $6,388,925,600 14 1
Rep. Eric R. Anderson (R) (1) $6,431,406,000 14 1
Rep. Douglas A. Hancey (R) (34) $6,433,407,000 1 5
Rep. Carolyn Meline (D) (29) $6,440,936,300 3 2
Sen. Brent Hill (R) (34) $6,534,242,900 3 0
Rep. Julie VanOrden (R) (31) $6,570,776,100 2 2
Rep. Scott Bedke (R) (27) $6,579,709,000 8 0
Rep. Kelley Packer (R) (28) $6,586,700,200 3 4
Rep. Frank N. Henderson (R) (3) $6,598,099,800 3 0
Rep. Ed Morse (R) (2) $6,600,713,900 5 5
Rep. Christy Perry (R) (11) $6,605,268,400 2 1
Rep. Paul Romrell (R) (35) $6,605,419,800 0 5
Rep. Gary E. Collins (R) (13) $6,606,286,000 2 4
Sen. Cherie Buckner-Webb (D) (19) $6,620,242,300 9 1
Rep. Neil A. Anderson (R) (31) $6,634,476,000 0 1
Sen. Fred S. Martin (R) (15) $6,635,133,800 0 4
Rep. Darrell Bolz (R) (10) $6,654,480,500 4 0
Sen. Michelle Stennett (D) (26) $6,665,638,900 2 2
Rep. George E. Eskridge (R) (1) $6,671,275,300 2 0
Rep. Clark Kauffman (R) (25) $6,679,894,500 1 0
Rep. Patrick McDonald (R) (15) $6,681,995,400 1 2
Rep. Richard Wills (R) (23) $6,682,796,700 3 0
Sen. John W. Goedde (R) (4) $6,686,108,800 1 0
Sen. Elliot Werk (D) (17) $6,691,203,400 0 2
Sen. Dan J. Schmidt (D) (5) $6,691,603,400 0 1
Sen. Roy Lacey (D) (29) $6,691,603,400 0 1
Sen. Marv Hagedorn (R) (14) $6,692,079,000 0 2
Sen. Chuck Winder (R) (20) $6,692,338,300 0 1
Sen. John H. Tippets (R) (32) $6,692,338,300 0 1
Rep. Marc Gibbs (R) (32) $6,692,721,100 1 0
Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking (D) (18) $6,693,776,800 0 1
Sen. Jeff C. Siddoway (R) (35) $6,693,776,800 1 0
Sen. Todd M. Lakey (R) (12) $6,693,917,500 0 1
Sen. Shawn A. Keough (R) (1) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Dan G. Johnson (R) (6) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Thyra Stevenson (R) (6) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Patti Anne Lodge (R) (11) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Bert Brackett (R) (23) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Stephen Hartgen (R) (24) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Lee Heider (R) (24) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Maxine T. Bell (R) (25) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Jim Patrick (R) (25) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Steven Miller (R) (26) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Dean L. Cameron (R) (27) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Fred Wood (R) (27) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Jim Guthrie (R) (28) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Wendy Horman (R) (30) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Steven R. Bair (R) (31) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Sen. Bart M. Davis (R) (33) $6,694,176,800 0 0
Rep. Dell Raybould (R) (34) $6,694,176,800 0 0


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