Governor 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in faucibus elit. Suspendisse potenti. Donec augue orci, dapibus a luctus sit amet, consectetur non ex. Aliquam urna purus, posuere ut nunc ut, lacinia pretium nisi. Aenean odio elit, viverra in suscipit sit amet, egestas in augue. Sed ex quam, finibus at pretium eu, lobortis at elit. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce vulputate quam id vehicula vehicula. Fusce tempor dolor non bibendum imperdiet. Pellentesque feugiat quam quis sem blandit, sit amet tempus felis rutrum. Ut sodales lectus vitae purus commodo, sed tempor velit ultricies. Curabitur odio sem, luctus nec nibh nec, fermentum imperdiet arcu. Mauris quis quam neque. Nam id mi in massa fermentum molestie. In vel mauris vel neque feugiat pharetra eu at ante. Aliquam suscipit ligula varius maximus sollicitudin.
Candidate Responses
What do you believe is the fundamental role of education?
Message 1
How would you promote rigorous academic instruction and excellence in your school district?
Message 2
How do you define Critical Race Theory? When implemented in school policies and curriculum, do you think Critical Race Theory differs from simply “teaching history?”
Message 3
How do you define Social Emotional Learning (SEL)? Would you encourage the implementation of any SEL model in your school district? If so, which model and why?
Message 4
How would you respond to the Idaho State Board and Department of Education’s recent dissemination of resources such as the SEL Roadmap for Reopening Schools, which argues that schools should adopt anti-racist practices, focus on social justice, and conduct staff-wide implicit bias trainings? Should teachers be required to attend these kinds of trainings?
Message 5
Should your school district be required to teach a sex education curriculum? If so, should this curriculum include instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity? Should parents and guardians be required to provide consent before their children participate in any sex education curriculum?
Message 6
How should school districts respond to the Idaho School Boards Association’s recommendation that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify?
Message 7
Do you support mask mandates in schools as a COVID-19 mitigation strategy? Do you support implementation of any other policies or practices designed to mitigate the effects of COVID-19?
Message 8